We are still waiting here in Rarotonga to get the permit for Tahiti. French authorities are not making it easy to get into their airspace and let us to our next destination Bora Bora. We try to be calm and have some fun here on Rarotonga. If you look it up in the wikipedia entry, you see how this place looks like.
Ran took an ocean kayak and rode the waves of the pacific, an absolutely thrilling and exciting adventure! In the morning we met a local guy coming from an island in the north and invited us to dive for black pearls. It is an island where you can get by invitation only, because it is THE place where they dive for these treasures of the ocean. We are trying to make the arrangements to get there in the next few days (for a change changing routes!).
Also exciting was our grand trip to the top of the hill next to Muri beach, from where we had a good view overlooking the area we are staying in. We all made it back healthy! Well for a 30 minute trip, that should be normal.
Our courageous pilot Wolfgang spent a lot of time trying to arrange a solution for our permit problem, talking hours on the phone with a lot of people. We all went also to the tower to have a look over the airfield and could take photos of the pilatus on the field. There we met Peter, the friendly coordinator and lord of the tremendous air traffic of this area! Man, he has a dream job, only 2-3 flights per day to manage!
The grand finale this day was Svens survival training right next to the beach bar we all got a beer: He was not happy with his one and so he decided to go for a coconut and to crack it in the good old fashioned way (like his ancestors showed him)! After a long fight with this natural-power-fruit he finally made it!