On our smooth flight to Makassar (Ujung Padang) we could see some fantastic clouds, volcanoes and the indonesian islands in the sea. Anthony seems to be our new co-pilot, very interested in all the flying stuff and keeping Jorn awake with conversation 😉

Makassar seems to be a growing region, we drove about half an hour through industrial areas until we reached our hotel, which was located directly at the seaside, cottages above the water, very nice.
Unfortunatley we arrived in the dark and left next morning also before sunrise, so no pictures from that hotel 🙁

A very special event was our dinner in one of the most famous local fish restaurants, where we selected some real awesome big fish and prawns and put them on the grill. It tasted just fantastic! No wonder in a region which is known for the best seafood you can get in Indonesia. But wait, I took some pictures from our dinner with my mobile phone.


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