Weather was perfect, a warm sunny day. As we had to wait at the airport for one of our travellers, we had plenty of time to fun around, taking some pictures and so on. We left Palma at 13:30 direction Crete, Greece. Heading for Cairo, a stop was necessary as the way was too long to do it in one. Flying with a Pilatus is really fun, it is a comfortable plane with quiet enough space for eight passengers – actually we are six, and everybody feels comfortable. Noise within the plane is low, so you can chat easy, and we discussed what to do, as our route is not completely clear for the next days.
19:48 local time (GMT+1) we hit the ground on Crete, refueled and went off to our hotel, five-star-greece-standard, which was recommended and booked friendly by our handling agent GOLDAIR. Wheater in Crete was good, humid, around 22ºC.
Of course we went out to have a good dinner downtown greek-style with fresh vegetable and the famous mixed grill barbecue which was fantastic.
09:20 next morning we headed to the airport again, where we were checked in. Something really cool was, that Jorn, our pilot, wearing his uniform, managed us to be checked through the security in front of a long waiting queue of regular flight passengers. Smart move!
Take-off was easy, 10:00, very punctual, and we are in the air again heading for Cairo where we are suppose to see the pyramides.